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Overberg Water Board recognizes that the Water Services Authorities are its main customers in line with the provisions of the Water Services Act and Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) which provides for a water services authority to appoint an independent water service provider. The customers through Overberg Water Board/WSA liaison meetings determine both stated and implied customer water services requirements (Monitoring Framework). The Operations Division commits to providing water services of the best possible quality within its limits and recognises and conforms but not limited to quality requirements of potable water quality. Improvement plans for Blue Drop Certification assist to address these issues and support water services authorities.

Overberg Water Board has signed Bulk Supply Agreements with its two primary municipal customers and individual agriculture customers. These agreements cover obligations of both Overberg Water Board and its customers for the management of bulk water in respect of planning and implementation of the quality and quantity of treated water, asset management and metering. Overberg Water Board’s levels of service will continue to be regulated and monitored at a micro level at the water works where the final treated water is distributed, as well as at a macro level where regional systems are integrated for water supply. Monitoring frameworks have been formulated in response to the formal agreement and are incorporated into operating rules, schedules, and plans.

Regular operational liaison meetings with the municipalities will continue to ensure that customer requirements are continuously met and responses to new requirements are provided.

Overberg Water Board will continue to operate and maintain the three water schemes within the Overberg District as an interim annexure agreement to the existing Bulk Water Supply Agreement. The objective is to operate these small stand-alone local water schemes, whilst the regional schemes are being developed and phased in. In the interim, the small schemes are subject to the same water quality and quantity standards, and this requires on-going rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure.