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During the 2022/23 has achieved the following:

  • • Resilience as water supply continued throughout the financial years;
    • Appointment of its preferred due diligence service provider regarding the growth path initiative;
    • Conclusion of the skills audit;
    • Improved the Corporate Plan with tangible performance information with their technical descriptors;
    • Improved the collection rate above 90%;
    • Submitted the Annual Financial Statements on time as stipulated by the PFMA;
    • Remain financially healthy whilst most organisations were affected by loadshedding despite the deficit.
    • Water services provision remained;
    • Policies development and management;
    • The Board through its Committees, namely; Operations & Infrastructure, Human Resources, Remuneration & Ethics as well as the Audit, Risk and Business Strategy, continued with its excellent oversight and accountability role;
    • Achieved the unqualified audit opinion and maintained for the past five years;

All of the above-mentioned were done successfully with effort, skill and courage by all at Overberg Water Board. The Overberg Water Board is indeed the water services hub for the Western Cape Province and beyond. Investing in its Growth Path Initiatives is the right thing to do! We shall continue with our efforts of making a difference to all our communities insofar as water provision and associated / ancillary services are concerned.